Step 1
Choose the online diet program that suits best on the website.
Step 2
Fill out the form and submit.
Step 3
You will be called within 1-2 days after application.
Step 4
Then we can begin online video calls.
What is the Process?
You will choose the program from services that you think is suitable for you.
Then you will fill out the form that pops up on the screen with your contact information. Than I'll contact you via phone call on this contact info.
After receiving confirmation on the phone, I'll request you to fill out the “My Lunch Box, Nutrition Information Form” that I'll send via e-mail and send me the results of your blood test.
After receiving the form, we will plan a video call from the platform you choose (skype, facetime, whatsapp). Thus, we will complete our first detailed online meeting.
Immediately after our meeting, I'll send you a diet list that I've planned for you within 24 hours via e-mail and WhatsApp.
We will stay in contact and I will be responding all of your questions via WhatsApp.
Can't you find time to consult a dietitian due to busy working hours?
By the help of online consulting you can easily reach your dietitian and begin your healthy life style.
Online consulting system allows to get help from a dietitian wherever and whenever you want, without the need to go to a dietitian clinic.
After I get a chance to know you better, I will be sending you a suitable diet list by reaching you via video calls online on planned dates. During the days, we will be communicating via whatsapp and email.
All you have to do is to choose the specific service which suits you best from this website.
Are you ready for a change on your eating habits?
Do not postpone your goals. A change doesn't happen in a day, but it starts with one day.
Maybe now it's time for a change!